Thief Busters

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Thief Busters

Forums for the Art thief hunting group Thief busters on Deviantart

    General Rules


    Posts : 156
    Karma : 6
    Join date : 2011-09-10
    Age : 37
    Location : somewhere between Seattle and New York

    General Rules  Empty General Rules

    Post by Zerachiel Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:56 pm

    Just a general set down of rules for this forum. This form was made so that those of us that Hunt and lurk on DA are free to speak about what we want HOW we want with out punishment from DA.

    With that in mind there will be limitations to what can be said here on the forums. please no Raciest terms, i don't care how pissed you are at a black sexist pig. i will not tolerate raciest terms.

    Please keep cussing to a under that of a drunken sailor. i cuss.. we all cuss but just don't make a the cuss word every other word.

    Thieves must be posted with evidence! just don't create a whole new threat and just drop a link to the main page.

    give out an explanation on what the user is stealing and images of proof in for the form of imageshack thumbnails.

    For each new thief please create a new topic in the appropriate category provided.

    If a troll manages to get onto the group page, well my minions you have all permission to play with the troll. if it starts to get too out of hand i'll IP ban the troll and lock the thread. (yes i can IP ban and i'm not afraid to use it unlike DA)

    Pictures need to be in Imageshack thumbnail format. because the group will cut off all images that are not done that way.

    Pictures must stay R rated! this is a thief hunting forum not a free pinup forum. aka no naked girl or guys (unless it's proof of stolen work) NO PORN.. period. there is enough of that on DA as it is. NO GORE...or vore.

    troll flames will be met with much marshmallows and chocolate. but keep it here on the website people.. It's like vegas.. what happens here stays here.

    remember people here you can say what you will as long as you follow our rules, if you return to DA you MUST follow their rules.

      Current date/time is Fri May 17, 2024 12:57 am